=== ACF Theme Code Pro === Contributors: aaronrutley, ben-pearson Requires at least: 4.8.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 2.5.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html ACF Theme Code will automatically generate the code needed to implement Advanced Custom Fields in your themes! == Changelog == = 2.5.5 = * Add new stylesheet to integrate all components with ACF 6 * Update location registration tool UI to integrate with ACF 6 * Update scroll to code functionality to support ACF 6 = 2.5.4 = * Add support for ACF 6 * Add Polish translation thanks to Michal Lepiarz * Add Dutch translation thanks to Peter Smits * Add Chinese (Taiwan) translation thanks to RedBazil * Add German translation thanks to Christian Kappmeyer * Fix JS and CSS enqueuing bug on Tools page = 2.5.3 = * Add full support for localization (i18n) * Please let us know if you're interested in helping translate ACF Theme Code Pro into your language (https://hookturn.io/contact/) * Improve enqueuing of CSS and JS * Fix notice that occurs when Location is set to an unregistered block type = 2.5.2 = * Add support for the following third party fields: * ACF Field For Contact Form 7 * Advanced Custom Field: Audio/Video Player * Improve code rendered for the following third party fields: * Advanced Custom Fields: Gravityforms Add-on (including displaying forms, support for Object and ID return types and Single and Multiple values) * Advanced Custom Fields: Ninjaforms Add-on (including displaying forms, support for Object and ID return types and Single and Multiple values) * TablePress (including support for ID and HTML return types) * Table (including caption support and escaping) * ACF Icon Selector Field (including escaping) * ACF Smart Button (including escaping) * Advanced Custom Fields: RGBA Color Field (including escaping) * Update support for the following third party fields: * Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome Field * Custom Fields: Nav Menu Field * ACF Code Field * Advanced Custom Fields: SVG Icon * ACF YouTube Picker Field * ACF Address Field * Post Type Select Field for Advanced Custom Fields * Advanced Custom Fields: Number Slider * ACF Color Palette Field * ACF Color Swatches * Remove support for the following third party fields that no longer support the latest version of WordPress or ACF: * ACF qTranslate * Advanced Custom Fields: Image Crop * Advanced Custom Fields: Markdown Field * Advanced Custom Fields: Link Picker Field * ACF: Google Font Selector * ACF: Focal Point * Ignore `page` field used by Advanced Forms Pro for ACF for multi step forms = 2.5.1 = * Improve support for WordPress 5.6 * Fix CSS and JS enqueue bugs * Fix code formatting bug in "Register ACF Blocks and Options Pages" Tool * Add link to Settings page in plugin description on core Plugins page * Improve plugin update message on core Plugins page * Add instructions to "Download Failed" error message on core Plugins page * Updated licensing framework * Improve plugin Settings page: * Improve instructions and validation messages * Improve design and responsive styles * Convert license key field from text input to password input to protect customer license keys = 2.5.0 = * Improve support for WordPress 5.4. * Improve support for all field types included in ACF PRO 5.8.9 (including all their various settings). * Improve codebase by syncing both free and pro foundations to facilitate faster development cycles and future features. * Add escaping to code rendered to bring it in line with recent updates to ACF field documentation. See https://twitter.com/wp_acf/status/1181344882775875584. * Improve code rendered for Taxonomy location. * Add support for Current User, Current User Role, User Role locations. * Add various enhancements to code rendered for the following fields and field settings: * Gallery field (return types Array, URL and ID) * Image (return types Array, URL and ID) * File (return types Array, URL and ID) * Select (values Single and Multiple, return types Value, Label and Array) * Checkbox (return types Value, Label and Array) * Radio Button (return type Array) * Button Group (return type Array) * True / False * Link (return types Array and URL) * Post Object (values Single and Multiple, return types Post Object and Post ID) * Page Link (values Single and Multiple) * Relationship (return types Post Object and Post ID) * Taxonomy (appearances Checkbox, Multi Select, Radio Buttons and Select, return types Term Object and Term ID) * User (values Single and Multiple, return types User Array, User Object and User ID) * Google Map * Fixed issue with 'Copy All' fields functionality. = 2.4.0 = * Core: Theme Code Pro generates code to register for ACF Blocks and Options! * Core: Theme Code Pro generates code for use within for ACF Blocks! * Core: Radio Button field (core): Add support for all return types * Core: Refactoring that will allow for the more options for the code generated in the future * New Field Supported: ACF Icon Field * New Field Supported: ACF Star Rating Field * New Field Supported: ACF Color Palette Field  * New Field Supported: ACF Image Aspect Ratio Crop * New Field Supported: ACF Color Swatches * New Field Supported: ACF SVG Icon = 2.3.0 = * New Field Supported: ACF Ninja Forms add on * New Field Supported: ACF Gravity Forms add on * New Field Supported: ACF RGBA Colour picker * New Field(s) Supported: ACF qTranslate * Core: Resolved EDD Conflicts * Core: Improved Widget Location Variables * Fix: EDD naming conflict * Fix: Location error if visual editor is disabled * Fix: Select Conflict with Seamless Field Group Option = 2.2.0 = * New Field Supported: Button Field found in ACF Pro v5.6.3 * New Field Supported: Range Field found in ACF Pro v5.6.2 * Core: Copy All Feature Added = 2.1.0 = * New Field Supported: Group Field found in ACF Pro v5.6 * New Field Supported: Link Field found in ACF Pro v5.6 * New Field Supported: Range Field (Third Party) * New Field Supported: Focal Point Field (Third Party) * Field: Code field improved to escape output by default * Field: Google Map field improved to return address, lat & lng * Core: resolved an issue with legacy PHP versions * Fix: Bug in File field PHP when returned as a URL = 2.0.0 = * Core : Theme Code Pro now generates code based on your location rules! * Core : Theme Code Pro now supports all official ACF Add ons! * Core : Theme Code Pro now works when ACF Pro is included in a theme! * Location Supported : Options Page * Location Supported : Widget * Location Supported : Comment * Location Supported : Taxonomy Term * Location Supported : User * Location Supported : Attachment * Add-on supported : Options Page * Add on supported : Repeater Field * Add on supported : Gallery Field * Add on supported : Flexible Content Field * Fix : Minor bug in file field example link markup * Fix : Support for Quicklinks feature within locations = 1.2.0 = * Field: Clone - major improvements to the clone field code output * New Field Supported: Address Field * New Field Supported: Number Slider Field * New Field Supported: Post Type Select Field * New Field Supported: Code Field * New Field Supported: Link Field * New Field Supported: Link Picker Field * New Field Supported: YouTube Picker Field * Core: Special characters now removed from variable names * Fix: Compatibility with CPTUI Pro Plugin = 1.1.0 = * Core: Quicklinks feature with anchor links to the relevant theme code block * Core: Notice updates & various bug fixes * Core: Plugin options screen moved under Settings = 1.0.3 = * Fix: Use the_sub_field method for nested File fields with return format URL = 1.0.2 = * Field: Fix for Post Object when using ACF 4 * Core: Various internal code improvements = 1.0.1 = * Field: Checkbox updated to support array * Field: Select updated to support array = 1.0.0 = * First version